About Podaris

Empowering Transport Planners Everywhere
Today, Podaris is used by planners around the world to plan faster, smarter and more collaboratively - from city scale transport schemes and bus service improvement plans (BSIPs) to campus expansions.

In the UK, Podaris has helped to secure millions in funding for local authorities by providing evidence-based analysis of existing and proposed networks.

Across the world, Podaris has supported customers working on multi-billion pound projects. The platform has proudly been used to help plan more accessible and equitable transport systems for millions of people.
World Gov Prize
Nathan Koren
Planning new transport infrastructure can be a decades-long, multi-billion dollar endeavour, fraught with delays and overruns. But it doesn't have to be that way...

Architect and transport planning consultant Nathan Koren founded Podaris in 2013 with a vision: to revolutionise the way transport infrastructure and services are planned, by drawing on the concepts behind cloud-collaboration technologies to create a real-time collaboration platform for transport planning, engineering, and stakeholder engagement.
Podaris at the TPM conference
Podaris is empowering local authorities, consultancies, development planners, universities and many others to plan and analyse transport scenarios with unprecedented ease.

We've designed our platform to be fully extensible - a suite of connected applications, representing a single source of truth, on which anyone can build, to the limits of their imagination.


World Government Prize
2018 World Government Summit's London GovHackSeries Winner

Our leadership team

We’re committed to making IMMO a great place to work, for ourselves and our investors.
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What we're all about

Growing a business is team work. At SaaSFlow, our values influence every decision we make.
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Learn more, grow more.
Create maximum value
Make mistakes, but take accountability.
Go the extra mile.
Success isn’t a straight line.
…All while having fun.

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