
Collaborative GTFS Editing

Import, analyse, transform and export GTFS and TXC feeds collaboratively

Import & Analyse With Ease

Service Stats
Whether your focus is on journey planning and travel-time/catchment analysis, or fleet size analysis and route modification, Podaris offers a variety of ways to import and work with transit feeds. By importing only the data that's important to you (for example, a range of dates or the busiest week), Podaris helps streamline your analysis.

Our feed importer also helps you get the most out of low-quality feeds, including those with missing or invalid table data.

Generate Insights Instantly

As well as providing immediate and interactive views of your imported route patterns on a map, Podaris gives you at-a-glance stats derived from your feed, including:
  • Peak Vehicle Requirements
  • Revenue distance and time
  • Number of routes, agencies and trips
Digging deeper, Podaris' extensive route analysis capabilities enable you to better understand your services by exploring factors such as corridor frequency, capacity across given dates and the number of vehicles in service at a particular date and time.

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